Thursday, April 8, 2010

Teen Zone Earth Day Crafts

Stop by the library on Friday, April 23rd from 4:00 - 5:00 PM in the front conference room to make cool, recycled crafts. No registration required.

It's fun being green!!

1st Annual HNPL Teen Poetry Contest

HNPL will be having it's 1st Annual Teen Poetry Contest during the month of April (April 1 - 23) to celebrate National Poetry Month. The contest is open to all middle school and high school students and there will be 2 categories--one for each school. Students can submit up to three, original poems. All participants are invited to read their poems at the Teen Poetry Night on April 27th. Prizes will be awarded to the top, three students in each category. Poems can be submitted via email to Amy at or dropped off at the front desk of the Cicero or Atlanta libraries.