Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pet Food Drive

The Teen Advisory Board is sponsoring a Pet Food Drive for the Hamilton County Humane Society. We have a box in the front foyer, including a HCHS wish list.

Don't forget the pets this holiday season, especially those the HCHS, a no-kill shelter.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Library Closures This Week

In observance of Thanksgiving, the library will close at 2 pm on Wednesday the 23rd, and will remain closed until 10 am on Friday the 25th.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Saturday @ the Movies

This Saturday the 19th, we'll be showing Captain America at 2 pm. The movie is rated PG-13. Under 13s must be accompanied an adult, or give permission (in person) to Emily before the movie starts.
The movie will be shown in Meeting Rooms A & B.
Free popcorn!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

This Week at HNPL

Art Class with Deanna Leonard
Wednesdays, November 9 & 30
3 – 4 pm
Each session, students will learn and use different techniques and media to create works of art. Please pre-register at least one week prior to class to ensure there are enough supplies at each session. Each class is $10. Meeting Rooms A & B

Wired for Wind
Wednesday, November 9
3 – 4 pm
As the world's demand for clean energy sources increases, so has the interest in wind power. The 2011 National Science Experiment Wired for Wind helps youth better understand the physics of wind energy and how it can be used to conserve energy and save our planet from the pollution and harm caused by burning fossil fuels. This program is presented by Bernadette Huber of the 4H Purdue Extension Office. Registration is required. Indiana Room.

Teen Acting Classes
Saturday, November 12
1 – 2.30 pm
If you've ever wanted to try your hand at acting, this is the class for you. We'll cover the basics of being on stage, and have fun with improvisational comedy. Registration is required. Miss Jane’s Storyhour Room